Expand description


FeignHTTP is a declarative HTTP client. Based on rust macros.

Here are some features:

  • Easy to use
  • Asynchronous request
  • Supports form, plain text and JSON
  • Configurable timeout settings
  • Friendly error handling
  • Selectable HTTP backends (reqwest or isahc)

Table of contents


FeignHTTP mark macros on asynchronous functions, you need a runtime for support async/await. You can use async-std or tokio.


async-std = { version = "1", features = ["attributes", "tokio1"] }

The feature tokio1 is need when use reqwest as the HTTP backend.


tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Add feignhttp in your Cargo.toml and use default feature:

feignhttp = { version = "0.4" }

Then add the following code:

use feignhttp::get;
async fn github() -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = github().await?;
    println!("result: {}", r);

The get attribute macro specifies get request, feignhttp::Result<String> specifies the return result. It will send get request to https://api.github.com and receive a plain text body.

Using non-default HTTP backend:

feignhttp = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["isahc-client"] }

The default-features = false option disable default reqwest.

Making a POST request

For a post request, you should use the post attribute macro to specify request method and use a body attribute to specify a request body.

use feignhttp::post;
async fn post_data(#[body] text: String) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

The #[body] mark a request body. Function parameter text is a String type, it will put in the request body as plain text. String and &str will be put as plain text into the request body. Before send request, a header content-type: text/plain will be added automatically.


Using path to specify path value:

use feignhttp::get;
async fn repository(
    #[path("owner")] user: &str,
    #[path] repo: String,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = repository("dxx", "feignhttp".to_string()).await?;
    println!("repository result: {}", r);


dxx will replace {owner} and feignhttp will replace {repo} , the url to be send will be https://api.github.com/repos/dxx/feignhttp. You can specify a path name like #[path("owner")].


You can use constant to maintain all urls of request:

use feignhttp::get;
const GITHUB_URL: &str = "https://api.github.com";
#[get(GITHUB_URL, path = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/languages")]
async fn languages(
    #[path] owner: &str,
    #[path] repo: &str,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

Url constant must be the first metadata in get attribute macro. You also can specify metadata key:

use feignhttp::get;

const GITHUB_URL: &str = "https://api.github.com";

#[get(url = GITHUB_URL, path = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/languages")]
async fn languages(
    #[path] owner: &str,
    #[path] repo: &str,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

See here for more examples.

Query Parameters

Using query to specify query parameter:

use feignhttp::get;
async fn contributors(
    #[path] owner: &str,
    #[path] repo: &str,
    #[query] page: u32,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = contributors("dxx", "feignhttp", 1).await?;
    println!("contributors result: {}", r);

The page parameter will as query parameter in the url. An url which will be send is https://api.github.com/repos/dxx/feignhttp?page=1.

Note: A function parameter without query attribute will as a query parameter by default.


Using header to specify request header:

use feignhttp::get;
async fn commits(
    #[header] accept: &str,
    #[query] page: u32,
    #[query] per_page: u32,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = commits("application/vnd.github.v3+json", 1, 5).await?;
    println!("commits result: {}", r);

A header accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json will be added.

You also can use headers key to specify one or more headers in get attribute:

use feignhttp::get;
#[get("https://httpbin.org/headers", headers = "key1: value1; key2: value2")]
async fn headers() -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = headers().await?;
    println!("headers result: {}", r);

The format of headers must be header-key1: header-value1; header-key2: header-value2;....


Using form to specify form parameter:

use feignhttp::post;

#[post(url = "https://httpbin.org/anything")]
async fn post_user(
    #[form] id: i32,
    #[form] name: &str,
) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = post_user(1, "jack").await?;
    println!("{}", r);


Before send request, a header content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be added automatically. See here for more examples.


Serde is a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures. When use json, you should add serde in Cargo.toml:

serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }

You also need enable json feature:

feignhttp = { version = "<version>", features = ["json"] }

Here is an example of getting json:

use feignhttp::get;
use serde::Deserialize;
// Deserialize: Specifies deserialization
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct IssueItem {
    pub id: u32,
    pub number: u32,
    pub title: String,
    pub url: String,
    pub repository_url: String,
    pub state: String,
    pub body: Option<String>,
const GITHUB_URL: &str = "https://api.github.com";
#[get(url = GITHUB_URL, path = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues")]
async fn issues(
    #[path] owner: &str,
    #[path] repo: &str,
    page: u32,
    per_page: u32,
) -> feignhttp::Result<Vec<IssueItem>> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let r = issues("octocat", "hello-world", 1, 2).await?;
    println!("issues: {:#?}", r);

This issues function return Vec<IssueItem>, it is deserialized according to the content of the response.

Send a json request:

use feignhttp::post;
use serde::Serialize;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
struct User {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
#[post(url = "https://httpbin.org/anything")]
async fn post_user(#[body] user: User) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let user = User {
        id: 1,
        name: "jack".to_string(),
    let r = post_user(user).await?;
    println!("{}", r);

Before send request, a header content-type: application/json will be added automatically. See here for a complete example.

Using Structure

Structure is a good way to manage requests. Define a structure and then define a large number of request methods:

use feignhttp::feign;
const GITHUB_URL: &str = "https://api.github.com";
struct Github;
#[feign(url = GITHUB_URL)]
impl Github {
    async fn home() -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
    async fn repository(
        #[path("owner")] user: &str,
        #[path] repo: &str,
    ) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
    // ...
    // Structure method still send request
    #[get(path = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/languages")]
    async fn languages(
        #[path] owner: &str,
        #[path] repo: &str,
    ) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

See here for a complete example.

Timeout Configuration

If you need to configure the timeout, use connect_timeout and timeout to specify connect timeout and read timeout.

Connect timeout:

use feignhttp::get;

#[get(url = "http://site_dne.com", connect_timeout = 3000)]
async fn connect_timeout() -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

Read timeout:

use feignhttp::get;

#[get(url = "https://httpbin.org/delay/5", timeout = 3000)]
async fn timeout() -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}


Sometimes you need dynamic values, like config or others. param is designed to support such ability. You can use param to specify a value that used as a dynamic replacement.

use feignhttp::get;

#[get(url = "https://httpbin.org/delay/5", timeout = "{time}")]
async fn timeout(#[param] time: u16) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}

When call timeout function, the time’s value will replace the {time}.

Another example is replace headers:

use feignhttp::get;

#[get("https://httpbin.org/headers", headers = "token: {token}")]
async fn headers(#[param] token: &str) -> feignhttp::Result<String> {}
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // A reqeut with a header `token: ZmVpZ25odHRw`.
    let res = headers("ZmVpZ25odHRw").await?;
    println!("headers: {}", res);

Note: param can’t replace placeholder in url or path.

Error Handling

FeignHTTP use feignhttp::Result to receive return result. The error is Error struct which has some error kinds and some useful methods. ErrorKind is used to indicate an error type.

Url is incorrect:

use feignhttp::get;
async fn url_error() -> feignhttp::Result<()> {}
async fn main() {
    match url_error().await {
        Err(err) => {
            // Build client error.
            if err.is_build_error() {
                println!("url_error: {}", err);
        _ => {}

Parse config error:

use feignhttp::get;
#[get(url = "https://httpbin.org/delay/3", timeout = "abc")]
async fn config_error() -> feignhttp::Result<()> {}
async fn main() {
    match config_error().await {
        Err(err) => {
            // Parse config error.
            if err.is_config_error() {
                println!("config_error: {}", err);
        _ => {}

When parsing the configuration, an error is thrown if the value is incorrect. timeout is an integer type, when parse abc to integer will throw an error.

HTTP status is an importmant info about response. The status code can tell whether the client or server is abnormal. The following is an example of handling through HTTP status:

use feignhttp::{get, ErrorKind};
#[get(url = "https://httpbin.org/123")]
async fn status_error() -> feignhttp::Result<()> {}
async fn main() {
    match status_error().await {
        Err(err) => {
            // Status error.
            if err.is_status_error() {
                println!("status_error: {}", err);
            if let ErrorKind::Status(status) = err.error_kind() {
                println!("status error code: {}", status.as_u16());
                if status.is_client_error() {
                    // Handle error.
                if status.is_server_error() {
                    // Handle error.
        _ => {}

The status is StatusCode struct that supply by http crate. For more examples, see here.


FeignHTTP logs some useful information about requests and responses with the log crate. To enable the log information, specify log feature in Cargo.toml, then set the log level to debug.

features = ["log"]

Optional Features

The following features are available. The default features are reqwest-client

  • reqwest-client (default): Use reqwest as the HTTP backend
  • isahc-client: Use isahc as the HTTP backend
  • json: Enable json serialization and deserialization
  • log: Enable request and response logs


The errors that may occur when processing a request.

An HTTP client to create RequestBuilder.

Configuration of an HTTP request.

An HTTP requet builder to make requests.

A wrapper of HTTP request.

A wrapper of HTTP response.



A trait of HTTP request.

A trait of HTTP response.

Type Definitions

A Result alias.

Attribute Macros